I had my 6 week follow up with my surgeon on Friday, but haven't been able to sit down long enough to blog about it until now. This has been a whirlwind weekend... anyway - the doctor's visit was great! I am apparently doing well with healing, and they aren't to worried about my stalled weight loss. It has started creeping back downward again... so that's at least positive.
They told me that I can now eat whatever I want, but should try to avoid fried foods, spicy foods and leftovers... apparently those items can be hard on your digestive system. I tried several different times to ask them what things to try first, but got no answers. Basically everytime they'd just tell me to eat whatever I wanted, and if it doesn't go down well - try it again in a couple of weeks or a month.
I went out to dinner that night, but only managed to eat 1 peice of broccoli - then threw it up. Horrible feeling... but ever since it has been better. I stuck to the softer foods for Saturday, but then yesterday I managed to eat a spinach enchilada at our favorite mexican restaurant. Tonight - I tried to eat pizza, but that didn't work to well - but once it made it through the stoma - I felt much better... so maybe we'll wait a good while before trying to eat that again.
So in summary - things are going really well, it's just a process that I've got to get used to and remember to take everything slowly.
Wow, that's frustrating to have the entire world of food to go through and no kind of order about what should be attempted first! Maybe a nutritionist could help?? Sounds like you're finding your way though!