Friday, August 3, 2007

One more...

Here is a picture of something that I think about everyday... John and I have really worked hard to get where we are in the process of having this surgery.
I met with my primary doctor today for my second monthly appointment for my "supervised diet plan" - which is to say that I meet with him monthly to talk about what is going on with my illnesses... and he checks my weight. Don't get me wrong - he's wonderful, but the insurance bureaucracy is crazy!!

So the outcome was that things are going well - my blood sugars are coming down somewhat, and my blood pressure is really doing well with his treatment. We've got one more month to go! It's funny because he doesn't even want to tinker with my dosages to much anymore because we're starting to think about how he'll be taking me off of them pretty quickly!! YIPEE!

From what Dr. Weinstein estimates is that it will be mid-October or late-October at the latest. He said that it's about 1 month from the time that you finish your preliminary work for the insurance company - which my final appointment to complete the requirements will be sometime between 9/11 and 9/16.

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